Pre-Battle Speech
CampaignIt doesn’t matter how old you are or how small you are, Super Fossil Fighters: Champions gives you the chance to command a gigantic army of Vivosaurs. At its core, this spot is meant to capture the innocence of youth. That time in every boy’s life when imagination is still being used as an escape from the real world.
AD: Sharon Chow Kaye
CW: Gregg Nelson
ACD: Vince Lagana, Mike Duckworth
Director: Vesa Manninen
Producer: Chris Allen
Digital: Homepage Takeover “Breakthrough”
Poster: Glow-in-the-Dark Fossils
When the lights are on, it’s a poster of your favorite Vivosaur.
Turn the lights off to fight and see the fossils that make up the Vivosaur.
sharon chow kaye // // 630.202.8021